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How can you save money on heating and hot water in hotels? Energy efficiency tips for owners

How can you save money on heating and hot water in hotels? Energy efficiency tips for owners

How can you spend less on heating and hot water in your hotel? Use this guide to find energy efficient ways of getting your heating and hot water in a more economical way.

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  • End customer - Investor
Hotel facilities are a very specific group of buildings when it comes to demand for power, hot water preparation and heating. First of all, it varies throughout the year and the extent to which it will be used depends on occupancy rates. In fact, this is a function of many variables. Hotel owners often claim that in this sector it is hard to predict anything whatsoever when it comes to answering the question; will the coming season be profitable? It is quite a risky and costly business, but when well managed you can count on profits. It is therefore very important to start from the basics, namely the main costs to be reckoned with when running a hotel, which are heating and hot water consumed by both hotel guests and the hotel's restaurant. Heating and hot water preparation is one of the largest operating costs of total energy consumption. 

How to ensure the highest comfort with as little financial outlay as possible?

So, the most important role here is played by a heat source. It must operate efficiently, regardless of the instantaneous load, which is highly variable in the case of hotels. It is a big challenge to ensure high comfort for guests, both when occupancy is low and during the peak season. This means that you should choose the heat source that enables you to modulate the highest possible output without significant efficiency losses. Heat adjustment in the hotel is also important, since during the warmer seasons, the temperature in unoccupied rooms can be reduced to a minimum, whilst the temperature can be regulated in the other rooms.

With variable energy demand, the best solution would be a device where the output can be easily controlled, for example through burner modulation, our UltraGas gas condensing boiler is such a device. It is probably the most efficient boiler available on the market, which, apart from the functionality described above, is characterised by high thermal efficiency, reaching up to 99%. It is a very important feature, since it makes it possible for the device to achieve the same heating effect while consuming less fuel, which will lead to lower operating costs. High boiler efficiency is the result of the use of the patented aluFer heat exchanger, which removes to the maximum extent heat from flue gas, the temperature of which, at the boiler outlet, can be lower than 50°C. The use of two active low- and high-temperature returns makes condensation in the this boiler type possible even while heating hot water and DHW. The boiler is insulated with mineral wool mat in order to minimise heat losses as much as possible. Intelligent automation allows you to control the boiler, and integrated water pressure and flue gas temperature sensors ensure its safe operation. The TopTronicE controller is equipped with a clear display which allows you to set the required temperature for individual hot water circuits, as well as the temperature of hot water and operating mode.

Effective and ecological solutions

Exclusive hotels also mean exclusive requirements of guests. Facilities often feature additional attractions, which must also be provided with adequate comfort. Therefore you should choose reliable solutions that have already been successfully used and bring benefits to their owners. These include, above all, reliable operation, advanced controlled automatics or effective and ecological production of thermal energy. 

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