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Hoval Ltd have a comprehensive stock of spare parts available for our range of boilers, calorifiers and renewable heating equipment which can normally be despatched for next day delivery. This means that should a breakdown ever occur, it can be repaired quickly and downtime minimised.

Payment can be made by most recognised credit cards.

Also available:

  • Burners (complete units or parts)
  • Combustion controls
  • Boiler tubes and plates
  • Feed and fuel pumps
  • Valves, gauges, glasses and seals
  • Refractory items
  • Irgumat Blending Valves

Service Kits:

Service kits are available for our range of TopGas and UltraGas boilers which contain all the necessary spares that will be needed for a standard service.
As well as selling our own spare parts, Hoval are also a UK agent for De Dietrich, and we can supply a wide range of competitively priced parts for De Dietrich boilers.

For spare parts or service kit enquiries:
email: or call 01636 672 711 option 1.