An all-round clever and future-proof solution

An all-round clever and future-proof solution
The complete Hoval solution, including a CHP unit, supports a high level of energy supply security for residents and companies.
- Office Building
- New Building
- DHW Generation
Stadtwerke Grenchen (SWG) supplies its customers with electricity, water, natural gas and is also responsible for the local electrical distribution network. In the course of a new building including office and workshop space, the building was equipped with complex and clever energy technology: The natural gas-fired combined heat and power plant (CHP) PowerBloc EG 43 with exhaust gas recuperator was used to generate heat and electricity, which enables the residual exhaust gas heat to be recovered. For this purpose, a heat pump with recovery of the ventilation waste heat is used and a gas boiler is used to cover the peak load. In order to ensure a demand-based energy supply, the efficiency of the system is additionally increased by several heat storage tanks. In addition to the SWG building, a neighbouring property is also supplied with heat and electricity thanks to this system.
Safety thanks to emergency power solution

The CHP unit also takes on an emergency power function: In the event of a power failure on the grid side, the CHP ensures the power supply of the most important consumers in the new company building – e.g. IT servers. This means that SWG always has an overview, even in exceptional cases, which increases security of supply and service quality for its customers. Another major advantage is that energy costs can be significantly reduced thanks to efficient primary energy use and clean combustion directly on site, as well as relieving the load on the grid-side electrical transmission lines. The significantly lower exhaust emission limits according to the Clean Air Ordinance with regard to nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxides protect the environment, in the interests of future generations.