Efficient Heating Upgrade for Topland Commercial Office Block

Efficient Heating Upgrade for Topland Commercial Office Block
Hoval’s high-efficiency TopGas boilers transformed the heating system at Topland office block, improving reliability and energy efficiency.
- Office Building
- Renovation
- Gas
Topland, a four-storey commercial office block at 33 Colston Road in Bristol, required a heating system upgrade to replace its 25-year-old Hoval AtmoGas boilers. To meet the client’s needs for improved energy efficiency, reliability, and long-term cost savings, Hoval supplied three TopGas 120kW boilers, which were installed in the rooftop plantroom by Mecpipe Installations.
Working closely with Mecpipe, a tailored heating solution suited to the building’s requirements was delivered. Partway through the project, the client decided to upgrade to a three-boiler system, which inevitably impacted equipment supply. Despite this, the supply chain challenges were resolved efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption and keeping the project on schedule.
From initial consultation to commissioning, expert guidance and support was provided. The sales and service representatives from Hoval supplied detailed quotations, technical information and a smooth set up and commissioning. Given that the building had lost all heating during the winter period, the project required fast turnaround times, something Hoval’s team successfully managed with efficiency and professionalism.
Matt Gould, the director at Mecpipe, commended the reliability and high-quality engineering of the boilers, as well as the strong communication throughout the project.
The Hoval boilers are built to last, with a high-quality, old-school commercial build. We would have no issue recommending them for future projects.